ලෝකයේ කිසිම අගයක් නැත. මිනිසා විසින් එම ලෝකයට අගයක් දී ඇත.
හැම විටම නැති දේ අගේ. ඇති දේ නොඅගේ. මන්ද? මිනිසා සතුව ඇති ශක්තිය වැය කිරීමට ඇති කැමැත්ත.
සැනසිල්ල කියා යමක් ඇතයි සිතීම ම දුක්බරය. එය තේරුම් ගත කල ජීවිතයේ දුක දුරු වේ.
ලොව පහළ වූ සත්ත්වයන් අතර සැප විඳීමට කෑදරම සත්ත්වයා මිනිසා ය. එනමුත් ලොව වැඩිපුරම දුක් විඳින සත්ත්වයා මිනිසා නොවේද?
ජීවිතයට ජීවිතය ලබා දෙන ආශ්වාදය ජීවිතය නැති කිරීමටද හේතු වේ.
120.People are disturbed by shattered hopes. Being aware of the possibility that hopes may be shattered will help to pacify them.
119.You can enjoy a stress - free life if you can comprehend the follies of happiness and sorrow.
118.Attachment and hatred are follies of a selfish mind.
117.Life is not an answer but an inconclusive exploration.
116.There is boundless discipline in a pure mind. Therefore it will cause no harm to oneself or others.
115.Clearly identify and distinguish between your needs and the needs of the mind. In reality, there is nothing that you need.
114.If the earth possessed a mind, what would it think? words will be insufficient to describe its laughter, as it laughs at the childish behaviour of man.
113.In this world, there are many that create needs but very few that fulfill them.
112.Wild creatures are trapped by snares set by others. Man is trapped by snares set by himself.
111.People appreciate a tree only when it is in bloom. When you are in bloom the whole world will appreciate you.
110.Desire is not a waterfall. But is a volcano. Those that seek serenity through desire, burn till eternity.
109.No amount of water can douse the fire kindled within you. However, truth can douse it.
108.Success is in the mind and not in the body.
107.You can lie to the ear. But you cannot lie to the heart.
106.Success is in the mind and not in the body.
105.I will try not to utter a single word to you. You must correct everything you have heard previously .
104.Who is a fool? It is the man who seeks more comforts instead of enjoying the comforts at hand.
103.Just as people conceal the wrong side of their cloths and reveal only the correct side to the world, they conceal their sorrow and reveal only their happiness
102.Love never wishes suffering for anyone.
101.Words written on a paper are not as beautiful as the white paper itself. Similarly thoughts that arise in the mind are not as beautiful as the mind itself.
100.A so called intelligent man confines himself to a country. The less intelligent birds fly all over the world.
99.Our rights are merely a mental disorder.
98.The speed of the human mind is far greater than any other living creature. Therefore he can reach heaven or hell with great speed.
97.It is the quality of a mere mortal to both err and punish. Forgiveness helps create a resolve to never repeat the mistake in the mind of the wrong - doer.
96.Those that live under the coloniser called desire will remain its salves, forever. Desire is the most cruel ruler in this world
95.There is nothing called happiness in this world it is merely a reduction in suffering.
94.Is hatred religion or religion hatred? Do you harbour hatred because of religion or are you religious because of your hatred? If you are religious, it is not suitable to harbour hatred.
93.A dana is not a meal or article but an intention.
92.A person with intelligence shines, over a person adorned with jewellery.
91.All religions are there to create a good heart. But those who fill their hearts with anger in the name of religion are considered as men without any religion
90.We cannot stop the sun setting. But we can stop ourselves from setting.
89.If the flowing of the mind is stopped, there will be an overflow. Hence we should understand the mind.
88.Values of the world are valueless in the light of Nirvana.
87.First become a donor (of good) then you will also become the recipient.
86.Never yearn for happiness in life as sorrow too occurs proportionately to happiness.
85.No one likes to face obstacles and boundaries in life. One should however, realise the importance of boundaries around danger zones.
84.We must strive to realize with all our intelligence that desire and hatred are the root cause of suffering.
83.The uncontrollable desires in man destroy the life as a worm inside a coconut. Hence we have to be constantly awake.
82.What man constructs over thousands of years, nature demolishes within a second. There is no ownership without loss.
81.Those that are devoid of defilements are similar to the earth; they do not react to people's words or deeds.
80.Love is as distant as your dreams. Only those devoid of defilements are capable of true love.
79.The riding drunken mahout is an encumbrance to the elephant. Similarly if someone close to your heart misbehaves he/she will become a nuisance to you.
78.The beauty of one's heart and smile outshine the beauty of all the flowers in the world.
77.It is the nature of the traveller to avoid the difficult path and use the one that he can easily take. Achievement of your aim in life is a benefit not only to you but to the whole world.
76.If you accept day as day and night as night then why don't you accept the true nature of your mind?
75.He who has tasted the sweetness of victory will rejoice in another's success as his own.
74.If you are truly awake, problems will not pose a threat to you.
73.Without winning over the world, allow the world to win.
72.You can be a strength without being a challenge to the world.
71.If every human being is an actor, their audience is the sun and the moon. In very rare instances people like the sun and the moon are born amongst us.
70.Blessed are those who give gifts to others but only expect happiness in return.
69.Do not indulge in self-aggrandizement.Instead, conduct yourself in a manner that elicits praise of others.
68.Wisdom adorns the life of the wise like jewellery. Associating the wise helps you gain wisdom.
67.Why do we use an invaluable life to quarrel over valueless material goods? It is because of our folly.
66. Confidence and suspicion will become a dream. Only action will remain, real.
65.Keep your mind cool. Ease the tension in the heart. Then you will feel that you are really alive.
64.You should dream, but always remember that they are only dreams. After all then you will not feel any suffering and pain in life.
63.Although there is no shelter to cover the head there should be a shelter to the mind.The shelter to the mind is pure thoughts.
62.compassionate people will exist in this world as long as there are others to appreciate their good.
61.Man should have the ability to be kind to a friend and at the same time oppose his enemy with compassion.
60.Man finds happiness in his thoughts. Hence he should nourish his thoughts.
59.The foolish have much to do to escape poverty. The wise have much to do to serve the world.
58.Love unites. Desire for love separates.
57.whenever you experience happiness or sorrow, you live in an external world.
56.He that is enslaved by the mind, is consumed by greed, love and hatred. He even reveres these.
55.You should love something within the person and not the person.
54.Although man may derive great happiness from looking at a flower, the flower itself only needs water and fertilizer. It is not happiness that is priceless but the man who provides water and fertilizer.
53.Good people have good dreams and their dreams always come true.
52.Happiness and sorrow that occur within our thoughts are temporary. There is no happiness and sorrow within the truth.
51.Enjoyment is necessary to the heart. It is like a meal. If we consume a good meal it will give us nourishment. If we consume something bad, it makes you sick.
50.Those that live to please others, live unhappily. Thus, this world is merely a stage.
49.He who does not listen is similar to the deaf. Though deaf, if he listens, he is similar to one that can hear.
48.People live in their own private dreamworlds created by themselves. So do all other living things.
47.He who looks too far is as helpless as he who looks too near. Those that look near and far are eternally happy
46.An evil mindset drags you down. Those with evil minds will never have their wishes fulfilled.
45.Every action aims for enjoyment. If the action is incorrect it will result in suffering.
44.Attempting to live is an animal characteristic. Attempting to understand life is a human characteristic.
43.Ego makes life heavy.
42.Sense without a senser.
41.First gain knowledge. Then become an explorer. Finally be content.
40.Those that believe that their belongings exist often fear their loss . They should, however, fear to think what they own exists, for everything will be lost one day.
39.Some believe that the one ahead of the rest of the flock (herd) is the winner. But no one knows where they all are headed
38.Why do not people like to be defeated. This is because they are unable to see the victory withing defeat.
37.All these have merely been shown to man by the world as winning fields.
36.Respect the one who respect others.
35.Accept your success. But do not impress it on others as their sole aim in life is to make their own lives successful.
34.Those who live happily at present will continue to be happy in future.
33.learn to accept both good and bad. If not your life will be one of eternal sorrow.
32.If life is a flower, make it's fragrance your own.
31.Those who know their letters will recognize the words. Those who know the words will realise the meaning. Those who know the meaning will feel its flavour. Flavour is a mirage or delusion
30.If the motive is pure it will be like a sweet smelling beautiful flower.
29.If the motive is impure, it will be like a beautiful flower that stinks.
28.The result of every action is also the same. Therefore those that realise this, only do good deeds.
27.The same action can become either good or bad according to the motive.
26.Firstly man tries to live to suit the world. Secondly he tries to win the world. Thirdly he tries to win himself.
25.The most worthy dress in this world is wisdom.
24.Every man wants to be supreme. Once you realise this you become supreme.
23.How many kilos of gold is one breath worth? Gold is more valuable as breath is obtained free.
22.The Noble One knows that the flower belongs to the tree and not to the man who plucks it and offers it.
21.The other end of praise is insult. You cannot accept one and reject the other.
20.Developing the mind is more important than offering and praying.
19.You are learned yet distracted as long as you are ignorant of your true nature.
18.Our true mother is nature.
17.Man only preaches and orders man. Man's greatness too is appreciated only by man.
16.Knowledge has rendered man a slave; whenever he rises, knowledge attacks him.
15.Appreciate the strong not the weak.
14.The six senses are natural and peaceful. But your vision is not so.
13.You run fast around the world until you finally stop beside yourself. Then you will savour true victory.
12.There is nothing of eternal beauty. Beauty is only a creation of the mind.
11.Life and death are inseparable and are merely two words in a language.
10.A devotee lacks wisdom. A philosopher is wise.
09.In proportion to the strength of your ego, the strengths of defilements too increase.
08.As long as you are asleep you are blind to the gem within you.
07.The more you follow the Dhamma the more you see it. The opposite is also true.
06.A tree can only bear fruit; It cannot satiate one's hunger. Only our two hands can.
05.Nothing in this world has a true value. It is man who has attached a value to the world.
04.Learn to value what you have instead of what you don't have. This is because of man's love for expending energy.
03.The mere thought that satisfaction exists is in itself a sorrow.
02.On one hand pleasure stimulates life. On the other hand it destroys life.
01.Man is the only living being who craves pleasure. Isn't he also the only living being who suffers the most?
People are not wise enough to see the truth beyond the world. Gauthama Buddha was the first to see it.
Dhamma is silent. But I am saying it aloud as another person cannot be made to understand the Dhamma by being silent.
Nirvana is beyond the distance to which our mind radiates
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